Big Ideas Little Pictures

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Sketchplanations podcast photo of Rob Bell, Tom Pellereau and Jono Hey

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Explaining the world one sketch at a time

Sketchplanations makes complex ideas simple with clear, insightful sketches. Explore topics from science, creativity, psychology, and beyond explained in pictures.

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A sleeper practices will, still and fill to remember more of their dreams

Remember your dreams

Have a hard time remembering your dreams after waking up from sleep? Here's a little technique to try and remember a little more from your dreams: Will, Still and Fill. HT G Penney
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Curly hair is oval illustration showing the cross-section of a hair follicle from oval to round and labelling it with curly, wavy, and straight

Curly hair is oval

And straighter hair is rounder. You can demonstrate this with a strand of you hair by gripping it between the nails of two fingers and squeezing all the way down. As you make it oval, you’ll also see it curl. Apologies to those who caught this earlier. I accidentally posted several in a row and removed them to post one at a time. Really sorry if it disappeared from your blog, and thanks for sharing.
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Rain shadow

California is a nice example both stitching up the Central Valley and Nevada. And in Washington State if you need a bit more sunshine, just try driving East.
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Delete tracks you don’t like

One of the biggest benefits of digital music. Now you don’t have to listen to that rubbish one on the album. Don’t be shy.
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Narrative bias

Stories feel better than randomness — even when randomness may be the truth. Another reason that reading the papers is not always worth your time. This TEDx talk has a nice summary of a host of our common cognitive biases.
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Never say “I told you so.”

It achieves nothing but bitterness. I am yet to witness an occasion where saying "I told you so" or an equivalent led to a net positive effect.
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