Big Ideas Little Pictures

Sketchplanations in a book! I think you'll love Big Ideas Little Pictures

Sketchplanations podcast photo of Rob Bell, Tom Pellereau and Jono Hey

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Explaining the world one sketch at a time

Sketchplanations makes complex ideas simple with clear, insightful sketches. Explore topics from science, creativity, psychology, and beyond explained in pictures.

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Don’t hold grudges

It's a wonderful thing how at bedtime one day can be a disaster with a child and you can be the person they least like in the world and the next day, without fail, all is forgotten and you can be their favourite once more. Every day is a clean slate and a fresh start to be nice to each other and do something wonderful together. It's such a refreshing attitude when compared to adults who can willingly or unintentionally hold a grudge for decades.
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Live in the present

Young children have this wonderful and at times incredibly frustrating ability to completely ignore the past, even moments ago, and pay no heed whatsoever to the future. They're a fabulous lesson in living in the present. That they were miserable just now when someone took what they were playing with — doesn't matter any more. That playing in the puddle for longer means you'll miss the bus, and be late for lunch with friends — doesn't matter. All that matters is now. I have a theory that as we grow older our circle of attention expands.
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FACE and Every Good Boy Deserves Football as a way to remember the notes on the staves of music

Read music

It really is another language. One well worth learning.
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Twist your spaghetti

Get it right and it will fall evenly in the pan and slowly twist it’s way into the water on its own.
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The difference between compliment and complement explained with someone complimenting a shirt and a wine complementing a cheese

Compliment and Complement

Compliment and complement are as easily mixed up as stationary and stationery. But less so than affect and effect.
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Use both sides of a towel: one to dry yourself and the other side to wrap yourself

Use both sides of a towel

Use both sides of a towel, one side to dry yourself and the other side to wrap yourself in after.
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